Monday, May 20, 2013

Block # 1 ..... Remember me Block

So here is the first Block from the Civil War Quilt....
It is called :   Remember Me
I will say that this is the first time that I have done a Quilt ( Kaye England way ) Where you don't use pins and you don't Iron... I will say it was quite easy and nice .... Learning new things ~smile~

So here is the block pieced out ~smile~  and ready to sew....

Here is the block sewn together... I will say that, That Purple Thang... is my new favorite tool ~smile~

Also Kaye England uses a cheater patch... its something you use to keep your needle down and that way you don't have to keep cutting and having those long threads ~

Okay... only one block on the wall now ~smile~

Here is my fist block , the .... Remember Me Block.....
it was used so you could write a name of someone to remember in the middle ~

A Quilting I will Go ~

I've started a Quilt from a class I joined on ~smile~
Its Called :    Re-Piecing the Past    A Civil War Quilt by Kaye England
I'm so enjoying it...
So Here is a few photo's of my Sewing room ... I do still need to clean it up some ... I did have blocks from another Quilt I was working on called a : Victory Quilt... its from World War II ...
The blocks to come are Applique and I'm not to good at that yet...~smile~
So I will finish that another day ~
So here is My Sewing Room :

Blocks on the wall are from the Victory Quilts by Eleanor Burns... its a beautiful Quilt .. I just have to get my nerve up to Applique....~smile~

As you can see ... I do still need to get somethings put away... or at least find more places to put things... I love my home , but there isn't much Storage options...

I do get to look out at the back yard and at all the birds ~smile~ and my flowers and veggies ...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Making Orange Marmalade

Making Orange Marmalade today ~smile~ 
Its a 3 day process.... and its fun
I have gotten a few more days off at work with the slower time of year... So I'm making the best of it and cleaning and getting organized , and also making some yummy things
So here is a few photo's of the first day...

Day #1

Then you cover them with water and cover them with a tight lid and leave them over night ~

Day # 2

You heat up the lemon's and cook them or about 2 1/2 or 3 hrs ..... then put them to drain over nite.
Then heat up and cook the Oranges for an hour and then cover them tight to sit over night ~smile~

Day #3

Then you mix the Lemon mixer with sugar and the orange's and more Lemon Juice and cook it until its to the Jelly point....~   Then you put them in Jars and sterilize and your done ~smile~

  Wow ~  Its May 2022 So many things have changed.  I'm a new person, I've learned to be Happy again. After losing Arthur and my Mum...