Wednesday, May 18, 2022

 Wow ~  Its May 2022

So many things have changed.  I'm a new person, I've learned to be Happy again. After losing Arthur and my Mum ~ 

Life brings so many ups and downs.

March of 2020 we went into Covid lockdown, I was working from home, and then just when it was starting to lift and we could get out more,  My home town of Happy Camp, Ca had a Wild fire the 8th of September 2020 we had to evacuate for 13 days.  The fire called the Slater Fire burned 200 home's and just devastated our community.  We became stronger for it and we were there for each other to get through this tragic fire.  It changed so many lives and people had to move away, lots of our old timers and Elders that built their lives here,  everything was gone, many of them never to return.  Its been two years since the fire and people are starting to rebuild. 

2021 was quite uneventful, kind of a Numb year and just getting through Covid restrictions.  Not much happened.

I did start seeing someone and it was time to allow someone to be in my life again.  We are taking it one day at a time.  Seeing where our lives together will take us.  No expectations.  At this age I'm just happy to be happy ~ Smile~

2022 we are seeing Covid restrictions lifted and not wearing masks and just being able to gather and see family and friends again.  A slow return to life and its Joy's that it brings to be out and about and making memories with those we Love,  if anything Covid has showed us what is really important to us and how we wish to live our lives, and that is with those we love,  not working so much and not taking time to enjoy each other and the people and places we have around us. Enjoying Life like we should be ~

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  Wow ~  Its May 2022 So many things have changed.  I'm a new person, I've learned to be Happy again. After losing Arthur and my Mum...